Pastors Rachel and Ronald Rugasira

Ronald's story October 2016
In 2012 I met Rene and Yolanda while they were on a mission trip here in Uganda, i did not know them personally but my other friends knew them. My friend Fernando Powels from Belgium invited me to join the whole team for a mission on one of the Islands on Lake Victoria, while on this trip Yolanda who seemed all the time to be at peace with the world at one time asked if i could smile. It felt like i was lost a midst a group of happy people and i was the odd-man out, i must admit at this moment i had allowed my physical world blind me from the good things God has for me and that my future was well secured in His hand.
I and my wife Rachel had returned from a gospel mission in one of the remote and poor district here in Uganda where i had spent four years and Rachel had joined me for one year. At this point i did not know how to continue with my life, in 2009 when i left Kampala i had given away all my property for the mission, i now, i was with no home to stay, no bed to sleep,and no food to eat. In fact it was one year in our marriage to my wife Rachel. So these are the times when Yolanda wanted to see me smile. I could hardly smile. A church member who had housed us for months had at this time asked us to vacate the room for they had put the house on the market. It was hard time! By Gods grace we managed to find a new home, a one room to call home, outside Kampala city, Rene ,Yolanda and their son Bryan later braved to drive through a cloud of dust to find us after our hearts had connected. Amidst all this, i did not weaver on holding to my dream of a ministry which would declare and see the kingdom of God here on earth empowered by Gods unconditional Love and Grace.
Rene, understood me beyond what he could see. We were locked in our own world,when Rene and Yolanda showed up with Clothes for our Daughter,wife, and I. We had prayed for months for a miracle of clothes,and boom! Here it was, not for us alone but also for our neighbors. One Rene handed me a receipt , of my house hold items for use to function better, some items were sold to supplement, our budget for Christ Tabernacle Ministries, forever grateful for stitching Bulamu.
Christ Tabernacle Ministries
Rene and Yolanda came back to Uganda and offered to give us starting monies, to register the ministry so that we could operate legally. The process went well, a church was planted using the donations we Received from these wonderful friends.
The church started in Kindergarten School in one room offered by a school owner in our community, the word was preached people were healed and set free. Today Christ Tabernacle church holds out side church meetings in five villages transforming lives through the knowledge of God and His unconditional love and grace. We have out grown the classroom, to the school compound. Today we held our church service in a new tent bought by the church at 2.5 million Ugx.
The seed sowed by Rene has given birth to EL-Shammah Saving Club. This Club exists to help church members learn to save and grow the money, beyond this it helps families bond together,support women, single mothers and widows. Today the Club has 20 members has up to*- 2 million Ugx savings. they are working to save up to 10 Million by June 2017 and start to give loans to members to improve on their income through doing business and support their families.
Today we are growing stronger as a church and as a family and God is working through us to bring hope to the hopeless!
God has blessed us with four children, Abrielle Karungi 4,in middle class and Victor Muhirwa 1.5 yrs.
Thanks. Ronald.
Pastor Ronald Rugasira is een evangelist uit Sseeta (Kampala / Mukono)
Stichting Bulamu ondersteunt Ronald en zijn vrouw Rachel in zijn evangelisatiewerk.
Na de Sabattical van René en Jolanda Nieuwenkamp, in 2013, zijn de meubels uit ons huis geschonken aan de Rugasira's. De oven wordt nu gebruikt voor algemene activiteiten en verkopen. In 2015 werd het kerstfeest van Bulamu Children's Village aangevuld met zelfgebakken brood.
Op dat moment kregen we ook door hoe klein de wereld is en bleek er ook een relatie te zijn tussen Bulamu Children's Village en de Rugasira's
We kwamen Pastor Ronald voor de eerste keer tegen tijdens een evangelisatietrip naar het eiland Buvuma in het Victoria meer. Pastor Ronald was onderdeel van het reisgezelschap, samen met Pastor Moses en een aantal jongeren van Bulamu Children's Village